Upcoming Events

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Parent Meetings

Parent meetings are (usually) held on the first Thursday of the month at Northview Community Church in Bothell. 

Find more information and register for upcoming events by clicking on the Event Calendar tab.

If you have ideas for future parent meetings, send an email to parentmeetings@home-wa.org.

 September 2024 Welcome Back and Dinner on Us - September 26
 October 2024 Homeschooling Q&A - October 3
 November 2024 TBD
 December 2024 Bunco Christmas Party - December 12
 January 2025 TBD
 February 2025 Me, Myself and iPhone - February 6
 March 2025 TBD
 April 2025 TBD
 May 2025 TBD
 June 2025 TBD

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