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Jetty Island Day - Wed. Aug. 10

  • August 10, 2016
  • 10:15 AM - 2:15 PM
  • Jetty Landing, next to boat launch at 10th St and W Marine View Dr, Everett


Registration is closed

Summer is here and that means...
Summer Fun at Jetty Island!

Come join us for wonderful adventures, sand castle building, clam digging/poking, driftwood forts, seaweed between your toes, sandy sandwiches and beach blanket conversations with fun friends! Jetty Island days are part of the happy summer memories, especially with lots of great people to visit with. So come join us, and bring your friends.

We have reserved 40 tickets for two dates this year, July 27 and Aug. 10, departing at 10:30 am. Park, pay and be at the ticket kiosk 20 minutes ahead of time. Give yourself 10-15 minutes just to park, unload your beach stuff and picnic lunch, take a bathroom break with flushing toilets, and then walk across the grass to the landing area. Elizabeth Grace will hand out the boarding passes there. Return time 2:30pm in July and 1:45 & 2:15 pm in Aug. (Return times can be adjusted once on the Island).

The ferry departs from the Port of Everett, 10th Street boat launch at 10th and West Marine View Drive, and takes a quick 5 minute trip across to the jetty.

In addition to whatever beach items you want to bring, remember to pack sunscreen, a jacket depending on the weather and wind, food that won’t be too yucky if it gets dropped in the sand and lots of water or other fluids. There is very little shade or cover as well as no running water, concessions or electricity on the island. No pets and no glass allowed. You might also consider a change of clothes depending on your children. There is only one toilet/outhouse on the island, so you will want to stop in there before walking all the way onto the island. We try to go in the bathroom near the landing before we get on the ferry because it can get stinky on the beach side.

The City of Everett Parks and Recreation Department is trying to keep Jetty Island free for all of us, but that is dependent on taxes and budgets. There is a drop box near the ranger booth where you can donate to Jetty Island. They have a suggested donation of $2/adult and $1/child, and they appreciate anything you are able to give.

Copy this link into your browser to read more information and to get directions:


If you would like to reserve your tickets, please send an email to egracegrace@gmail.com If you have questions or need to cancel your tickets on the morning of the trip, please call Elizabeth Grace at 425-890-6882.


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