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2020 Seniors
Kayak Point party!
On Saturday, June 22nd, from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm we are meeting at Kayak Pt. County Park, near Stanwood , for BBQing, games, & hanging out around a fire. (Look for the balloon and covered picnic area near the beach.)
All possibly graduating Seniors are invited to join us.
Parking is for a fee. Please register at and sign-up to bring something to share for the BBQ.
Hamburgers/hotdogs, plates/napkins/forks/condiments provided.
Need: Chips (2), Fruit plate (2), Salad/sides (3) ie. veggie/dip, pasta, other, Beverages (4), Dessert (4) ie. smores, cookies Please check what others have signed up for and bring something different.
Questions? contact Robin Hjellen at 206.714.8572