Was your homeschool year what you had hoped for?
Do you have a struggling learner? Do they still “Not get it”?
Is something “not quite right”, but you don’t know what to do about it?
Is it a character issue or could it be an undiagnosed learning disability or add/adhd?
For our next parent meeting on May 8th, we will be joined by Focus on the Family speaker, author, and psychologist Dr. Grant Martin. He will be speaking on:
My Child is Struggling.
Dr. Martin has 39 years of experience as a marriage
and family therapist. His practice is in Edmonds. He is the author of thirteen books, including The Attention Deficit Child which is a revision of the best selling book entitled, The Hyperactive Child, published by Chariot Victor Publishing. Help! for Teachers: Strategies for Reaching All Students, is written for Christian school educators, to help them deal with special needs students, and is published by Purposeful Design, a division of the Association of Christian Schools International.
His talk will include:
How to be alert for issues such as:
- Learning Disabilities
- Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
- Emotional Barriers
- Underachievement
How to identify?
How to get help?
What can be done to assist in learning?
He will have handouts and will be taking questions.