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As much as our digital age is no cosmic accident, the great progress and innovation we have made in redemptive history from the Garden of Eden to the city of heaven is entirely initiated, intended and guided by God. He is never surprised by technology.
First, we will look at a Biblical Theology of Parental Protection, and then apply that to technology. Second, we will look at the effects of smart phones and social media on our children. Finally, we will look at strategies for putting a circle of safety around our homes. A Q&A session will follow his presentation.
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John Lafferty is Pastor of Youth and Community Life at Avondale Bible Church. A native to the Eastside of Seattle, John is passionate about the next generation of students being reborn in the way of Jesus. With targeted teaching and dedicated disciple-making, he is a leader who seeks to make leaders in and for the church. He has been a train conductor, competition barista and high school math teacher. He makes his home in Carnation with his wife Bethany and their three dogs.